What is the difference between a road bike and a mountain bike? (1)

Summary: 1. Distinguish from the vehicle models: road cars are known as the "sports cars" in bicycles. It is conceivable that sp...
1. Distinguish from the vehicle models: road cars are known as the "sports cars" in bicycles. It is conceivable that sports cars are suitable for driving in cities and on roads with relatively flat road conditions. Sports cars are about speed. Therefore, road cars are first from The design on the frame is mainly a diamond-shaped wind breaking design, which can effectively reduce wind resistance and increase driving speed;

Mountain bikes are called "off-road" in bicycles. Off-road is suitable for driving in mountains, outskirts, and areas with bad road conditions to find excitement. The pursuit of mountain bikes is the solidity and stability of the vehicle, and the frame is mainly diamond-shaped. Mainly, the overall look will be stronger and sturdy, ensuring the safety of the mountain bike during the "off-road" process.
2. Distinguish from the head of the vehicle. Road bikes emphasize speed. The best way to increase speed is to reduce the wind resistance during riding. Therefore, the handlebars of road bikes are generally narrower, and the handlebar design will be lower. When riding, in order to reduce wind resistance, the body needs to crawl. Although it will be tiring to ride, the speed can be greatly improved; Mountain biking, "cross-country" emphasizes comfort and safety during riding , Easy to operate, the handlebars of road bikes are relatively longer, and it is easier to operate during riding. The front of mountain bikes is higher than that of road bikes. The body does not need to bend too much when riding, and it will be more comfortable to ride.